New Wolf Moon 2021

It’s amazing to me that I haven’t provided an update since last May. I believe it was one of those situations where there was so much happening, there wasn’t much time or energy to share it all.

2020 was a historical year across the world. I don’t believe I have anything especially poignant or special to say about what has happened – I only have a ton of gratitude and awe for those on the front lines of the pandemic. I am grateful that both me and my spouse are still employed, and have been trying to be at least moderately careful.

I believe that I owe most of my lack of anxiety spells during 2020 to the pursuit of oneness with the Dao. My companions in the Dao, from my lineage, have been uplifting and inspirational. And I have been listening to lectures from Alan Watts as if they were spiritual vitamins – or antidepressants… which I believe they both are.

2021 has gotten off to an intense start, here in the states. But I continue to hope that it will bring us better connections to one another. A chance to really appreciate how much we missed those hugs. A greater understanding of the true priorities during this stage of our existence. Perhaps we will move towards simpler living, and move further away from affectation and superficiality.

This is a heavy load of hope to strap on the back of a year already climbing uphill. But may the pack-mentality of Sister Wolf remind us that ultimately, we hope we can all get through together, and alive.