• Upcoming New Harvest Moon 2024

    The next New Moon will be a ‘Harvest Supermoon’, and what a time to be breaking down old things, and preparing to begin anew! We are in the midst of cleaning out and packing up ahead of our sale of our coastal home… for a move towards mountains in mid-October. At the same time, I continue addressing chronic health issues, and not the least – my goal of assessing and culling practices in my spiritual life.

  • New Flower / Plum Moon 2024

    This coming Tues/Weds brings us the New Flower (or, in Chinese – Plum) Moon, and begins the ‘Plum Flower Month’ according to the Chinese Lunar calendar. I am certainly excited for a chance to practice some Cha Dao for this occasion, but even more pleased to be turning towards renewal.

    This is also the time of the Chinese calendar node of ‘Start of Summer’ or ‘Summer Begins’, which is certainly true where I am currently living on the coast. We were all breaking out the shorts this weekend! Dragonflies have reappeared, and so much is really in bloom!

    I believe that adherence to a seasonal calendar brings us that much closer to Nature/Dao. And a New Moon purification is a traditional time of renewal for me. Wishing everyone a wonderful Plum Flower Month!

  • Upcoming Full Harvest Moon – Culling

    Just meditate on this fact. If the past is not there, who are you?

    – Osho. Tao: The Pathless Path (p. 146). Kindle Edition.

    At the age of 48, the Daoist (and future Master) Sun Bu’er met Wang Chongyang, the Daoist teacher she would eventually follow. She was exasperated and outraged by Master Chongyang in the beginning. However, by the age of 51, she was a Master in her own right, and left every part of her prior identity and life behind, striking out alone to continue furthering her Daoist cultivation. Sun Bu’er felt it necessary to destroy her own beauty and behave as if mad to safely do so. Eventually, she developed a lineage of her own, teaching other women to strive for oneness with the Dao.

    I have no plans to leave my wonderful family behind in the future, but in many other ways, I take Sun Bu’er as a major role model. As I approach my 48th birthday, I am inviting a spirit of culling similar to hers into my life. I am so grateful for the presence of the teachers/Shifus in my current spiritual path, so I am not aspiring for that change; I feel as though I have already recently had a lifestyle upheaval on the scale of what Sun Bu’er experienced at 48.

  • Red Pine Returns to Visit Chinese Hermits

    Red Pine’s wonderful book, “Road to Heaven” has been, and continues to be, inspirational to me. Getting to see some of these locations and interviews on his return trip is fantastic!

  • Inward Bound

    I am thinking quite a bit about the Osho quote I noted in my last post. A number of other spiritual concepts have since surfaced (one that was rather starkly predicted in a card reading before the new moon). I am willing myself to be open, and to follow the Dao / Spirit wherever she leads me. At this juncture, I am inclined to turn inward in my spiritual life, and return to a more eremitic/monastic lifestyle.

  • The Lotus Moon 2023

    The incoming lunar phase of this period, according to Chinese Daoist tradition, (Deng Ming-Dao, The Lunar Tao), is the Lotus Moon. It is known primarily in the USA in its fullness as the Buck or Thunder Moon, and the latter certainly makes the most sense for my region: this is usually a time of some wild storms here on the Southeastern Coast!

    For this 2023 Lotus Moon period, I hope to spend time evaluating my lifestyle and practices to see if they are really in alignment with the three Daoist treasures of Simplicity, Compassion and Humility. Am I ‘following nature’ and ’embracing virtue’? I fear that I have been responding to my health issues by engaging in massive distractions, escapism, and easy dopamine hits online. Many bad habits.

  • First Illumination, 2023

    February 2023 began today. It is a time of many different, Spring-yearning celebrations and observances, including Imbolc, Candlemas, St. Brigid’s Day, Groundhog Day, and leads to the Chinese node of Spring’s Beginning, and the Lantern Festival. Because so much emphasis is placed on beginnings, inspiration, and new life and light, I may just sum it up by calling it ‘First Illumination’.

  • New Beaver/Frosty Moon 2022

    Though I am a touch belated, I am happy to have celebrated this new October-November moon tonight. I felt a strong urge to return to these lunar rites – and to renew my commitment to becoming a much more devoted priestess. I have needed to get my health under better control, and to set some new goals for mind, body and spirit. Tonight was excellent.