New Pink Moon 2021

I am very grateful for Spring. Being outside in the yard is absolutely rejuvenating. As I wrote in my latest report to my teacher / Shifu, I feel as though the past year has been one very long winter… and we’re only now emerging from it. Tomorrow night is the New Pink Moon, and being out of spiritual/mental hibernation is good.

I have arranged for a solo, silent retreat at an AirBnB for early next month. My intention was to undertake it this weekend, but it did not work out that way, and I am glad I went with the flow on it. One important thing is that I formed a good retreat intention question:

“What is keeping me from becoming the Daoist priestess I hope to be? How can I nurture this calling?”

Though this question is something I crafted for retreat consideration, it is tempting to start examining it now. I will attempt to focus on the other things directly in front of me. This portion of my path-walk with the lineage is closing, and I am soon to begin the next phase. I am hoping to update this site with more information, in case it can help anyone else (especially us Westerners) trying to walk their own path closer to the Dao…