New Huntress Moon 2019

Past the Equinox, truly into Autumn. Fall is my favorite season, without question, and it begins what I consider to be the ‘seasonal slide’ – the four ‘Ber’ months that go by so quickly, the year seems to be on the last 1/8th of a tank: down to nothing in the blink of an eye.

Autumn is a season of reflection. And there is much of that happening in my spiritual life. With the New Moon, I have started the next series of Qigoing exercises. And I have resumed reading a book that advises mindfulness techniques to combat rumination and intrusive thoughts.

The Daoist studies are really helping to re-align my perception, which has made handling some of the harder things in life a less devastating experience.

I need to work on establishing some healthier (and simpler) routines. I am attempting to take note of when and why I veer off course in some ways. But I am seeing the positive results in the small steps I have already taken.

So I am culling… hunting… reflecting.