New Flower / Plum Moon 2024

This coming Tues/Weds brings us the New Flower (or, in Chinese – Plum) Moon, and begins the ‘Plum Flower Month’ according to the Chinese Lunar calendar. I am certainly excited for a chance to practice some Cha Dao for this occasion, but even more pleased to be turning towards renewal.

This is also the time of the Chinese calendar node of ‘Start of Summer’ or ‘Summer Begins’, which is certainly true where I am currently living on the coast. We were all breaking out the shorts this weekend! Dragonflies have reappeared, and so much is really in bloom!

I believe that adherence to a seasonal calendar brings us that much closer to Nature/Dao. And a New Moon purification is a traditional time of renewal for me. Wishing everyone a wonderful Plum Flower Month!