Inward Bound

I am thinking quite a bit about the Osho quote I noted in my last post. A number of other spiritual concepts have since surfaced (one that was rather starkly predicted in a card reading before the new moon). I am willing myself to be open, and to follow the Dao / Spirit wherever she leads me. At this juncture, I am inclined to turn inward in my spiritual life, and return to a more eremitic/monastic lifestyle.

One of the leadings of my Spirit has indicated that I am fairly disconnected to Nature, certainly more so than a couple of years ago. Much has happened in the last two years, certainly. While I am attuned to my lineage’s Three Treasures, I have not really been maintaining my relationship to Nature. I believe I have found a way to reconnect and powerfully strengthen that connection. One could consider it an additional, earth-spirituality path to accompany me on my current one.

The end result is a likely return to a monk’s lifestyle – an inward bound, not outward-expressing one. Though my long-standing calling has been to operate/offer a sacred space for the public in some capacity, I am beginning to accept that my medical conditions are not likely to allow for that in any large way. But that won’t stop me from communing with the Dao/Nature.

My prior eremitic work was abruptly buried by the impact of a convicted pedophile’s revealed presence in the small religious community I had taken vows with. I have left a couple of religious orders/groups due to the mental instability and abusive nature of prominent-role male members. It took me some time to seek out a teacher of the Dao, and have enough trust to take their guidance. I am very relieved that I did so.

While happily remaining with my Daoist lineage, I feel a refreshing excitement in exploring a return to eremitic and Nature-oriented life. We may also be making a move in the next couple of years to a mountain setting, and this seems to be as much of a flow as the tides that brought us to the beach. I feel that this is an answer to the question of how to live so as to be ‘useless’ to society, but of tremendous use to existence.