New Beaver/Frosty Moon 2022

Though I am a touch belated, I am happy to have celebrated this new October-November moon tonight. I felt a strong urge to return to these lunar rites – and to renew my commitment to becoming a much more devoted priestess. I have needed to get my health under better control, and to set some new goals for mind, body and spirit. Tonight was excellent.

It involved purification, recitation, meditation, honoring the Great Mother Dao, sipping tea, making dedications, praying with my beads for others, speaking gratitude, consulting the yijing, and… sharing tea with the new moon. It was a deep, moving experience, and one I hope to repeat!

Tomorrow marks the last two months of my 1000-day Priestess Training, and I am hoping that this web page will be ready (and helpful) by the new year!